Thursday, January 21, 2010

Small things=Great things...

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together" Vincent Van Gogh.

Living with a 6 1/2 year old can be quite challenging at times. However, there are those moments when you have realized that the student has become the teacher. So, as the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday approached , I waited in baited breath to see what questions I was up against. I mean let's be honest, the man was truly amazing and what he accomplished and still accomplishes today is a little bit heavier than a cherry tree and wooden teeth. But strangely enough there were no questions...Instead, what came home from school were pieces of artwork and compositions about this very important man. On the first piece, there was a giant handmade birthday cake with candles, while a drawing of Dr. King's wife and his Nobel Peace Prize lay on the front. On the back, he was asked what he thought Dr. King hoped for. The words were friendship, sharing and kindness. On the second piece, they were discussing "Hug-a-War" and Tug-a -war" (these are two categories of people who either help others or who don't). What he wrote was, " I would help Mason open his locker". So there it was right in front of me...clean, simple and to the point....As adults, we tend to overthink, take things that were once simple and make them more complicated. So there in lies my lesson for today, that a 6 1/2 year old can show me the simplicity of a word and it's true meaning. That small things can turn into great things and all it takes is a dream.

So when I thought of the words that he chose like sharing, kindness and dreaming, I searched and found a very simple and creative way to achieve this...

I fell in love with these interactive postcards from Threefold on Etsy. Simple, yes, but they allow one to share and/or just make a wish.
Beautiful and to the point!

"Make a Wish"

"Sharing is Caring"


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