Wednesday, July 21, 2010

9th Anniversary.....

Image by Jinsey Dauk

Exactly 9 years ago today, the sun was shining, the grass was a brilliant shade of emerald, the temperature was a perfect 75 with no humidity and a soft salty breeze gently caressed you as it came off the ocean. I delicately put on my mother's wedding gown (bullet bra removed and surprisingly no spanx), carried a fragrant bouquet of peonies, walked very slowly arm in arm with my father (a very nervous father indeed!) down a path carved through a hayfield (which was a football field in length) and married a very tall, dark and handsome man surrounded by friends and family on a beautiful Island in Little Narragansett Bay. Everything about the day was perfect. Our dear friend Tuey Connell sang for us, Elaine Smith and family cooked for us and Happy Smith, well Happy, she made pure magic.

As I look back on all the images, I wouldn't change a thing. But life does change..That day we officially became a family of three (the third has a waggily tail). Two years later, a family of four. I am reminded, that I have been extremely lucky to always have a hand placed in mine...First my parent's, arm in arm as they walked me to the tall handsome man who soon became my husband. My husband's hand as he held it when out little monster was born and finally a very teeny tiny hand which has very quickly (seems like overnight) almost outgrown mine.

I have realized that nothing is perfect. Don't even think it can be..But as long as you continue to hold hands and laugh together then you can make it through all the changes that life likes to throw at you.

Images by Jinsey Dauk

Images by Jinsey Dauk

As I love all those beautiful perfect images above, this image is the real deal to me. We are not perfect, our hair is not coiffed our clothing wrinkled and disheveled, a few of us not looking at the camera but we are hand in hand, toe to toe with real smiles ready to take life on for another 9 years.

So today, as I watch and listen to the wind howl, lightening strike, rain pouring sideways (a perfectly disgusting afternoon) I have a little monster holding me tight protecting me from the thunder and a very large furry body "warming" my feet. It may not be the perfect day to get married but I am much happier huddled in safe and sound from the changing elements with just my family.

So to my dear sweet husband here's to you....without this day we wouldn't be or have a family.
Thank you for making my hand still feel so small in yours.



Erin said...

I cannot believe I just saw you on Friday and you did not even mention that this was coming!!!! tThis is an beautiful post - congratulations on the big number 9!

True Event said...

Happy Anniversary Wesson!! 9years! that is a milestone. xo

wesson said...

Thank you ladies!! It certainly crept up quite fast...Can't believe next year will be 10!!

Unknown said...

Hi Wesson,

I stumbled upon your beautiful blog post because I'm actually trying to figure out how to hold a wedding reception on Elihu Island... My fiancé and I have been engaged for an a whole week and a day, and what you wrote about your 9th anniversary made me tear up! I am truly happy for you and your family and hope that I will have to the similar things to say nine years from now.

Also, I was wondering, do you have any words of wisdom for getting in touch with Island Farm/how to go about planning a reception on Elihu Island? I've been scouring google and coming up with very little...

Thanks so much for you help!

Tara Forrest said...

Great reading your blog postt