Friday, August 7, 2009

Gifts From The Sea...Part 2

Fishing has become an important part of the Wesson Family. Between Father and Son they have massed huge amounts of poles, nets, sluggos, magazines and books that run rampant throughout our house. I have done fish pressings before but I have never seen anything quite like these. Created by Orchid Street Studio, here is her description of their process in creating these one-of-a-kind pieces:
"This is an example of gyotaku, a Japanese printmaking technique often called fish printing. Ink is applied to the body of a fish, then rice paper is laid onto the fish and gently rubbed to receive the ink.
The resulting image reproduces in exacting detail the features and structure of the fish as a mirror image, so a fish swimming to the right will print to the left. More often known as fish printing, Gyotaku is gaining in popularity as an alternative to taxidermy as a memento of a special catch."
I brought all my painting supplies up to Vermont with us so hopefully the boys will have some luck in the lake and we can create a great piece of art.