Twas the Night Before Christmas...
It is a tradition in husband's family that every year before going to the Christmas vigil service on Christmas Eve his father would read the Night Before Christmas and then we would all head together to church. So it was extra special to me that this was part of the proposal when husband asked me to marry him 6 years ago.
The ring strategically placed in the back of the Night Before Christmas pop up book by Robert Sabuda, popped up as the star on the tree with a little note written inside "will you marry me?"
Since receiving this special book, and proposal I have become a huge fan of Robert Sabuda's pop up books. They are absolutely gorgeous, every pop up illustration more intricate than the next. He is a true artist!
We have his entire Christmas Collection of books that decorate our mantle at the holidays.
So sweet - I know I'm a bit late but Merry Christmas and Happy Engaged Anniversary!
Thanks Erin!
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